The lady we are renting from is in our ward and is so sweet. Her son is working on the house right now and is putting on new siding and installing new windows. Ivan is planning to go help him out in the evenings and Saturday so they can get it done quickly. I would like to go in and paint a few things and will probably be doing that next week. We went and looked at the house last night. It is just a little old house but will work great for us for now. There are two little attic bedrooms seperated by a little walk in closet upstairs that we will use for the kids. Emma found a little hide out in her room and is sooooo excited. She thinks she needs a new pink blanket for her new room but I'm not sure why. The house also has a single detached garage and a little shed. There is a great garden spot, lots of trees and a whole lot of grass! The little house sits on a corner lot that is an entire acre. We are very excited to be moving to town where we can be closer to friends and more capable of fulfilling our church callings. Of course I will post lots of pictures once we get settled. The best news ever is that we will have CLEAN water! We feel very blessed to have found this home and are looking forward to yet another adventure! And because I can't seem to have a post without a are a couple of silly Miss Emma. She is really into posing these days. :)