I have also been meaning to take some more pictures of Levi at six months. Well, he is now 7 months but at least I got it done right? We took Levi for his six month appointment last week. He weighs 22.5 pounds now! He is 28 inches long and is off the charts! I think they must have measured him wrong at his last appointment when they said he was in the 50th percentile for height. His weight for height was the
80th percentile. This was surprising to me because he is soooo heavy...but I guess he is really tall too! The pediatrician we found is marvelous. They actually do immunizations right there in the office. What a relief! I was so impressed with her! She is kind of crazy and over the top...but I think it was a good thing. She spent a lot of time with me going over our family history. Levi was being cranky so she had the receptionist take him out front and entertain him. They were really good about making sure we were taken care of while there. We spent nearly 3 hours at the office that day! She has some major concerns. She actually did an EKG on Emma and I right there at the office and has Levi scheduled as well. The results looked fine on those but she would like to do some gene testing. She is worried that our family may have Long QT Syndrome. You can google it if you would like to know what it is! :) The blood test costs $3600 so we will wait to see if our insurance will cover it. Everything she explained with Long QT sounds familiar. I think mostly our family history gives cause for concern. Joey passed away unexplained and at such a young age. My aunt Connie was also young when she passed without explanation. My Grandpa's mother died when he was an infant as well as my Grandpa's Grandpa when he was a young man. Maybe we will get some answers. Anyway...that is enough about that. Let's focus some more on Levi. I took these great pictures of him today. He is the cutest little guy and is so smiley!

And just because she is so dang cute, here are some pictures of my friend Kelly's little girl that I took a couple days ago.

soo soo cute! You are a great photographer. I love that you do so much with the people in your ward.
Mandy, you are an amazing photographer! They are all wonderful but the one of the baby in the lilac tutu are good enough for any contest. You need to get serious and start a natural photo studio, really! Your landscapes are also breathtaking and that comes from someon who is living in the Pearl of Africa. Of courcse my favorite are M and Levi (just want to kiss those cheeks).
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