Our little girl will be turning 5 years old in a couple weeks! I cannot believe she is that old! She has grown up so much this year and is really looking forward to Kindergarten this fall. She has come out of her little shell and has made a lot of new friends in North Dakota. She even talks to grown ups some times! She is an amazing big sister and shows so much love for her little brother. I laugh when I remember her calling him "a handsome little level." She is such a big helper and loves to take care of her little brother. She is always watching out for him and yells out several times a day "BABY ON THE LOOSE!" Levi is a little trouble maker so it is a good thing he has a big sister to keep him in line. I know exactly how that goes! :)
Miss Emma is a character. The last few months she has decided that she can do lots of things because she is FOUR YEARS OLD! Here are a few of them:
*Four year olds like jam on their pb sandwiches...until now Emma has NOT liked jam. She used to just ask for "peanut butter bread."
*Four year olds are big enough to help put away clothes.
*Four year olds like tomatoes...before she wouldn't even try one.
*Four year olds like strawberries...Emma hated strawberries so much that she would throw a fit at cafe rio when they would put a slice on her plate with her quesadilla.
*Four year olds like oranges too! Emma has always loved veggies but it has taken her FOUR YEARS to learn to like most fruits.
*Four year olds can do lots of things on their own...pick their own clothes and get dressed, say the prayer, make their bed, pick up toys REALLY FAST, give themselves a bath, comb their own hair, and many many cool gymnastics stunts/tricks. Isn't the four year old just amazing?!
Oh yeah, and she also has a little boyfriend named Kasen. He is my friends little boy. She willingly admits that he is her boyfriend but he will NOT admit she is his girlfriend...however he asks his mom every day if she is coming over. They play so cute together and like to whisper to eachother with their noses almost touching. We had them holds hands for the picture in my previous post. It took Emma a minute but she got him to do it! Four year old love! :)
We are so proud of our beautiful little four year old and can't wait to see what new things she will learn when she is FIVE!
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