Russ and Janelle and the boys came to visit us the end of May. It was so fun to have them come and see where we live. Russ went to check out Viterra and see where Ivan works and what he does. I don't know if he was impressed or not. He said that it was smaller than he thought it would be. The boys stayed home with Janelle and I and were excited to mow our lawn. We were excited to have them mow it for us! They are such good boys and really know how to work. It was good having them around.
We went out to dinner the first night they were here to JDub's Pizza. It was good pizza and company but the place didn't have water. They had bottled pop you could buy...but no fountain drinks or water. They couldn't even bring us ice...because they had no water! Weird. They told us we could fill up a glass in the bathroom. YUCK! That's North Dakota for ya.
I think the funnest thing we did while they were here was to watch lots of Mr. Bean on Netflix. I have always loved that show...but it is so much funnier when you have Russell and the boys laughing SO HARD!
On Saturday we joined our ward in cleaning up a park here in town. We clean this park constantly! It is a good thing for us to do...I just wish someone would maybe teach the boys who hang out at the skate park to clean up after know..the whole teach a man to fish thing. It was fun to have family come with us to that.
We also had a ward bbq later that day. It was fun but there were not a lot of people that showed up. We hung around and ate some hotdogs and then took off. We drove around Williston and the surrounding area a little bit. Here's a picture I took of some oil field housing. They are individual rooms that are stacked. They came from the olympics in Vancouver by train. Kind of a cool thing to see.
We also stopped at a new monument in Williston which Russell got out to read. He said it was one of the most well written monuments he had ever read. I said that was really saying something coming from him! If I said that it would be more like that was the most well written of the 3 monuments I have read. haha Janelle and the boys said it took forever to drive here because they had to stop at every monument.
Russ and family wanted to go check out some sights so they went and visited the confluence center and Fort Buford. Levi was really grouchy by that time so I stayed home with him so he could have a nap.
They came to church with us on Sunday but left after Sacrament meeting to head home. It was so fun to have them come and visit us. Emma talked about it for days. We can't wait to head to Nebraska to see them next.
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